The Second Law of thermodynamics states that in all spontaneous processes the total entropy increases and the process is irreversible. The principle introduces the entropy state function, usually assimilated to the notion of disorder that can only grow during a real transformation. In less scientific words: from order to disorder or chaos.
The Redshitf is the astronomical phenomenon of shifting towards the long wavelenghts of the spectral lines and the whole spectrum, observed among distant astronomical objects. It is considered to be the initial proof of the expansion of the univers and the Big Bang!
Alpha Lyrae is the brightest star in the constellation of the Lyra, the second-brightest star in the northern celestial hemisphere and the fifth-brightest star in the night sky.
Andromeda, the daughter of the aethiopian king Cepheus and Cassiopea, is stripped and chained naked to a rock on the sea as a sacrifice to sate the monster. Perseo was passing by and saw her hairs in wind: suddenly, he fell in love and save her from her misery condition.
Solar Flare is a sudden flash of increased brightness on the Sun. Powerful flares are often accompanied by a coronal mass ejection. The Rogue Planet is also called a nomad planet, free-floating planet, orphan planet, wandering planet, starless planet, sunless planet...
Winter's Tale is a fire place, the long winter nights, the snowflakes, your favorite cosmos mistery...
Interstel'Loire is the crossing point between the univers, the stars...and the Loire river.
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