"Jean Echenoz, Roman Rotor Stator"
Temporary exhibition at the Bibliotheque publique d'information Bpi of the Centre Pompidou, in Paris. The exhibition is about the work of the contemporary french writer Jean Echenoz. The metaphore of "rotor-stator" is translated into the space and the graphic identity of the exhibition. The narration and the journey of the characters are cyclic but not linear, they change rhythm, direction, speed, destination...The text treatment of the quotes from author's books help the understanding of the stylistic technics used by the author. -- Scenography: Agence Scenografia - Curators: Emmanuele Payen, Isabelle Bastien-Duplex, Gérard Berthomieu and Isabelle Diu
November 2017 - April 2018
Signage / graphic design for the exhibition