Temporary exhibition at Musée du Quai Branly, Paris For the first time an important exhibition is totally dedicated to the art of "clubs" of the Pacific ocean. These complex artefacts of undoubted ethnographic importance and value have been often unknown or underestimated. They played many roles in the societies that produced and used them, and in some places continue to do so today as important items of heritage and emblems of identity. This exhibition highlights the many forms and functions of clubs: they are firstly sculptures, but also performance accessories, or used as weapons and even symbols of authority and of divinity. There is also a great graphic interest: the clubs present a variety of shapes and some of them are masterly carved and decorated. The graphic design wants to celebrate this richness of details, through photos that rhythm the exhibition's sections and graphic transcriptions of the carved patterns. -- Typography by Colophon Foundry Scenography: Agence Scenografia - Curators: Steven Hopper & Stephanie Leclerc-Caffarel